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News about immersive learning experiences

Nov 18, 20243 min read
Avatars AI: a new human interface for natural interactions
AI avatars: A new human interface for natural interactions In a world where artificial intelligence is everywhere, user experience is the...

Nov 12, 20243 min read
Onboarding and team animation thanks to AI-connected avatars
Avatars connected to AI, new trend or real innovation? In an increasingly digital world, AI-connected avatars and conversational agents prov

Jun 18, 20243 min read
Retail: Virtual reality to train sellers
La Formation Immersive en réalité virtuelle pour les vendeurs dans le commerce de détail

Apr 23, 20245 min read
Virtual reality training, how to calculate the carbon footprint?
As you now know 😉, the #VR #XR immersive training offers many benefits in terms of learning, impact and engagement from learners....

Mar 14, 20243 min read
Boost the immersive experience with intelligent conversational avatars
At VRAI, we work to create educational content and immersive experiences to improve and complement traditional training courses, using...

Feb 23, 20242 min read
Adaptive Learning: towards dynamic and personalized learning
How does Adaptive Learning support teaching? So already, adaptive learning is an innovative educational approach, using artificial...

Jan 25, 20244 min read
Digital Twins: The Magic of Virtual Duplication
Digital twins, we’re talking about virtual cloning now? Technological advances continue to advance at a frantic pace, paving the way for...

Dec 21, 20233 min read
Virtual reality headsets: from enthusiasm to storage
Virtual reality is often presented (among other things!) as the future of training and user experience. As a result, many companies have...

Nov 21, 20232 min read
Training people with disabilities: Immersive learning for inclusion
Training is a key element in working life, but for people with disabilities it can sometimes be hampered by challenges such as physical...

Nov 21, 20233 min read
How VR innovation is transforming onboarding for new employees
Recruiting is complicated! Welcoming and training new employees is a real headache, so integrating new employees is a key element for all...

Oct 10, 20233 min read
Immersive Cybersecurity Training: Building Skills to Counter Threats
PEOPLE, THE WEAK LINK IN CYBERSECURITY Cybersecurity has become one of the most critical issues in the modern world. Increasingly...

Sep 21, 20231 min read
VRAI Learning X Orange Lab 5G
We have great news! 🔥 We are delighted to announce a partnership with Orange that will open new opportunities for VRAI Learning and...

Sep 21, 20234 min read
How virtual reality is becoming a key tool for trainers
Is there a perfect alliance between technology and pedagogy? It is a complex and promising marriage that deserves to be adjusted...

Jul 27, 20232 min read
Virtual Training at the Service of Construction Workers: Experience, Learning and Safety
Construction trades are constantly changing and the sector has been struggling to recruit for several years. After the recruitment stage,...

Jul 13, 20232 min read
Improve Concentration and Learning with virtual reality
The use of virtual reality offers many advantages to educational content, including improving the concentration of learners. The learner...

Jun 19, 20232 min read
From field to virtual reality: How immersive training is changing the rules of sport
In the world of sport and associated professions, immersive technologies are having a real impact Thanks to virtual reality (VR) and...

May 15, 20233 min read
Immersive Training: benefits and inconvenients you Should Know
A new era for vocational training Immersive training is increasingly popular, especially in the field of professional training, where it...

May 15, 20232 min read
Virtual reality for training: the example of automobile brands
Automotive brands have long understood the importance of professional training in developing the skills and knowledge of their employees....

May 15, 20231 min read
Virtual reality, an alternative to animal dissection for medical students
Animal dissection has long been considered an essential practice for medical and biological students. However, more and more universities...

May 9, 20232 min read
How can immersive learning reduce training costs for businesses?
Immersive learning: the solution to reduce training costs in the workplace? Training costs can be high for businesses, especially those...
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