Societal impact of immersive learning
Immersive learning can have a significant societal impact in several areas, including:
Inclusion: Immersive learning technologies promote collaborative learning between people of different profiles by offering accessible and adaptable immersive experiences.
Disability: Immersive learning technologies can be used to help people with disabilities develop new skills or/and continue learning without being forced. For example, it is possible to use VR applications that can be designed to allow visually impaired users to navigate through a virtual environment using sounds or vibrations.
Carbon footprint: Immersive learning technologies can also reduce the carbon footprint by allowing learners to learnwithout movingphysically. This can lead to less travel by car, plane, etc., which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Education: Immersive learning technologies can improve training experiences by providing more engaging and interactive exercises. Learners can thus develop new skills faster and more efficiently by using virtual environments to practice and practice what they have learned.
Immersive learning can have a significant impact on society by enabling more inclusive, accessible and sustainable training for learners.